Though everyone has a dream car, finance, maintenance and insurance does not help much to get that. For these reason new drivers always prefer cheap car with low insurance and maintenance cost. This is why they go for Ford, Renault, Peugeot, Vauxhall, Fiat etc. though these companies also makes expensive cars. Japanese cars with small engines are also favourite.
Who doesn't love driving? The most common answer is 'every one does'. This is true but still there are a good number of people who really don't love driving. I have found some interesting reason; a lady said she found it hard to hang her leg on the accelerator. Another lady said the noise of the engine annoys her. We can skip these types of comments as most of them are over 50 and they hardly get touched with the latest technology. There are also some exceptions available. Most of the aged people fond there are too many options available in the modern car. Even some of them think very first car is not secure at all to drive. If we ask this type of question to teenager to young people, I bet we will get totally different result. Early 18s' always prefer first and great looking car. Insurance is a big issue for them to full fill their desires. On the other hand young people aged 25-35 are in good job, loves to drive casual car.